Collaborator Contributor @hershwgand I looked at the environment variables in the terminal where the error was happening, and they looked fine. I just installed gazebo_ros on a different machine using: sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-gazebo-ros sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade./...
关于ROS中[rospack] Eeeor:package ‘robot_sim_demo’ not found报错的问题 1.第一步: 再打开一个终端,进入到自己的catkin_ws目录下,然后对环境刷新。 2.第二步: 对rospack profile 检查包裹文件 3.第三步: 运行 rosrun robot_sim_demo robot_keyboard_teleo... 查看原文 ROS学习笔记(1): ROS安装 /s...