OS: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Version: Dashing I have completed 1-6 steps mentioned in this tutorial and finally try to view the results. However, I got an unexpected error when running step 7: $ros2 launch urdf_tutorial demo.launch.py [INFO] [la...
在rviz工具中显示模型文件,报错:display_marm_urdf.launch] is neither a launch file in package 解决方案是检查文件结构和路径,但我并不存在这个问题,最后发现是由于未编译可执行文件。 只需要执行以下几行代码即可: `$ cd ~/catkin_ws$catkin_make$source~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash``` 搞定 ROS...
substitutions import FindPackageShare def generate_launch_description(): robot_description = ParameterValue( Command(['xacro ', PathJoinSubstitution(FindPackageShare('urdf_tutorial'), 'urdf', '01-myfirst.urdf')]), value_type=str) return LaunchDescription([ Node(package='robot_state_publisher', ...