Of course, that can also be from bad technique or having a crooked bow arm on the string and that can get confusing. If you suspect you might need rosin, hold your bow up under a bright light and see if there's a little bit of a sheen or a glisten to the horse hair. That's ...
This overlooked cake of hardened tree-goop not only allows us to bow the string*, but also plays a large part in our tone production. Without rosin the bow hairs can’t grip the string, no matter how hard you bow… it makes no sound, except for a “fffffttt” noise. I suggest that...
For years, customers have inquired about a string cleaner to go along with the wood polish/cleaners and bow hair cleaners and rosin removers we offer. I noticed this option from Petz, who also provide us with some of the above-mentioned products, so here it is. This is an alcohol-based...