Holding the rosin correctly can lengthen the lifespan of your rosin. Rotate the rosin from to avoid making a groove. Covering the frog ferrule with a finger will help keep from chipping the rosin and prolong its life. Using too much rosin is both wastefu
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2. Ask if your new bow is pre-rosined When youpurchase your instrumentand bow, ask the store if your bow is pre-rosined. New bow hairs require more effort to rosin properly since the hairs are rosin-free. If it is pre-rosined, you’ll beable to practiceand play a couple of times...
a more even tone throughout the length of the bow. The 50% that I am now using does not have the real harsh attack that the Pops has and the rosin also doesn't create spots on the bow that end up having more grip than other spots. This was a major issue for me. Now I have ...
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community answer rosin increases the friction between the bow and the strings, allowing the string to vibrate more and make a sound. if you are using a new bow, you are playing the violin correctly, and there is still no noise, then you should apply rosin to the bow. thanks! we're ...