一位“萝西”正在工作 有意思的是,在美国2008年总统大选中,共和党副总统候选人莎拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)在选战中运用了Rosie the Riveter 的海报,只不过把萝西的脸换成了自己的脸,试图利用这个时代符号表现自己强硬的形象,同时唤起女性选民的支持。
Impact of Rosie the Riveter Rosie the Riveter was the star of a campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II, and she became perhaps the most iconic image of working women. American women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during the war, as...
Rosie the riveter—construction or reflection?Maureen Honey. Creating Rosie the Riveter: Class, Gender and Propaganda During World War II. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984. 251 pp. $20.00 cloth. $9.95 paper.doi:10.1080/10509208909361291...
铆工罗西Rosie ..二战期间,随着美国大量男性工人入伍,女性开始进入工厂工作,她们被称为“铆工罗西”,总共约有2000多万名2014年4月3日,美国副总统拜登邀请多位女工前往白宫做客,拥抱并感激她们曾对历史作出的贡献91
片名Rosie the Rivet... 上映时间1944年04月09日(美国) 导演Joseph San... 又名Rosie the Riveter 编剧Dorothy Cu...Jack Townl... 主演Jane FrazeeFrank AlbertsonBarbara Jo AllenFrank JenksLloyd Corrigan 演职人员(39) Joseph Santley 导演 Dorothy Curnow Handley ...
Rosie the Riveter, by contrast, used inclusive language to inspire a collective call to action. “WeCan Do It!,” she cries, looking you directly in the eye and inviting you to join her (and others like her) and roll up your own sleeves. Rosie was a friend,...
Impact of the Poster Versions of the Painting Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How did Rosie the Riveter get her name? Norman Rockwell painted a picture of a female worker. In the picture, she was identified as Rosie. The picture of Rosie became linked with a popular song that year...
Rosie the Riveter bobblehead.In Stock Price: $29.95 Quantity: Add to Wishlist Add to Cart Product Description Rosie the Riveter is a legendary cultural icon representing American women in the workplace. Initially, she personified women who worked in factories during World War II, filling the ...
Rosie the Riveter may not be a familiar name, but her picture certainly is. 铆工露斯可能不是一个听起来熟悉的名字,但她的图片一定让人熟悉。 ParaCrawl Corpus Inspired by Rosie the Riveter, she's a fully controllable robot that can take photos, respond to commands, wheel around and interact...
2020年12月10日,铆工萝西(Rosie the Riveter)被授予美国国.会金质奖章。这个萝西是何许人也?她又为美国做出了什么杰出的贡献?事实是,你可能永远也找不到她,但是她又无处不在!因为铆工萝西只是一个虚构的女工,但她在二战期间为美国的工业生产做出巨大的贡献,又极大促进了女性社会地位的提高。铆工萝西不是...