在64位Windows7系统中,典型位置是:C:Program Files (x86)Rosetta StoneRosetta Stone Version 3。图 49. 在Windows的所有程序中找到新安装的Rosetta。选择快捷方式启动。看到Update信息的时候可以点击Cancel(取消)。10. 联网用户注意,Update信息界面很快会闪过,见到下图所示的界面。此时一定要注意选择Remind me later。
先下载英语语言包 还要下载虚拟光驱 然后用虚拟光驱做语言包的镜像 就是那个结尾是iso的文件 找到文件后· 点页面上的三角形载入 再安装就可以了 不懂的话还可以问我 我假期时回外婆家成功安装了一个 但刚刚回家时我发现电驴上说不再提供下载 既然你是刚刚下的 能提供一个地址吗 千万要回复啊 ...
在64位Windows7系统中,典型位置是:C:\Program Files (x86)\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3。 图4 9.在Windows的所有程序中找到新安装的Rosetta。选择快捷方式启动。看到Update信息的时候可以点击Cancel(取消)。 10.联网用户注意,Update信息界面很快会闪过,见到下图所示的界面。此时一定要注意选择Remind me ...
Rosetta Stone Version 3 and Mac OS X There are a couple of other posts but I was hoping to get a "final answer" on how far one may update their OS without breaking Rosetta Stone v3. When one pays for a "life time" piece of software but find out they can't use it, it can be...
V3+Update+Audio companion 《罗塞塔石碑语言...te+Audio companion \o 《[语言学习软体]罗赛塔石碑》(Rosetta Stone Version 3)V3 3.3.7 破解版 多语言包陆续更新中[ISO] 更新内容见内[光盘镜像] 《[语言学习软体]...内容见内[光盘镜像] \o 《《罗赛塔石碑语言学习软件》》(《The Rosetta Stone 》)...
“5. 点击RosettaStoneVersion3. exe启动罗塞塔 161赞 数码宝贝吧 关于罗塞达石碑,有兴趣的可以来看一下罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone,也译作罗塞达碑),是一块制作于公元前196年的大理石石碑,原本是一块刻有埃及国王托勒密五世(Ptolemy V)诏书的石碑。 分享5赞...
跪求Rosetta stone的详细安装教程…吧里有大神用过此软件吗?昨天朋友发来一个语言学习软件,不知道如何安装,百度来的也都是似懂非懂。 “5. 点击RosettaStoneVersion3. exe启动罗塞塔 161赞 如师通吧 wing7319609 紧急求救!!!iOS系统rosetta stone如何退款啊由于iPad设置的支付宝免验证,昨天晚上手贱一抖直接就购买了...
3. The support staff have created, and continually update, thousands of pages of support materials - teaching guides, quizzes, best practices - that users of Rosetta Stone can take advantage of. Other Software Used Microsoft Office 2016 Mobile Interface Availability and Impressions Yes Usability8 ...
Rosetta Stone Version 3 and Mac OS X There are a couple of other posts but I was hoping to get a "final answer" on how far one may update their OS without breaking Rosetta Stone v3. When one pays for a "life time" piece of software but find out they can't use it, it can be...
knowledge will be a challenge, but must include dental research in order to see the full picture. Similar to the Greek on the rosetta stone, which acted as the key in deciphering the hieroglyphs, oral health could be a translational piece to understand the process of ageing....