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That’s why there are online yarn stores, right? I’m such a goodLoopy Ewecustomer they are now sending me free yarn along with what I’ve purchased.I have long been a fan ofJennifer Steingasssweater patterns, but I have never knitted one before. This month I snapped and bought the ...
This forced isolation gave people time to get comfortable with the online shopping concept and helped them see how convenient it is. Plus, as many as 100,000 brick-and-mortar stores may close over the next five years due to the impact of COVID-19. Ecommerce penetration rates are forecast ...
but it is also a celebration of how well I feel at the moment and my launch into several projects that are rocking the color right now. Seriously, I am so drawn to colors at the moment that I’m pretty much doing some silly impulse shopping. Who cares. I’m having a good time!!
I am job-hunting – not easy to do when you are over 50 – and starting a Gofundme campaign to pay down some of that credit card. I have no furniture and few belongings due to the preparations for relocation. And most of the people I know can’t help me with finding a new position...