Roses are red. Vilolets are blue has to be completed by you (mmm, that rhymed!). You only need two rhyming lines to complete the verse/stanza - no more. Be sweet and sickly or funny and outrageous - it's up to you. I'll be the judge after the 14th Good luck. Reply Name ...
Q: What is 'Roses are red + blalalalalala' ? I found it is from a poem and but I think it is a kind of slang or meme plays. I can't get it correctly! Here's an example. What point is 'Roses are red,.blablabla is funny?'是什麼意思 A: here's one with a reference from...
'65_redroses has been chosen to help celebrate the 20th anniversary of HotDocs, the premier documentary film event in Canada. It's one of twenty selected documentaries, many of which have been nominated for Oscars and all of which are deemed to have had a great effect in the world of fi...
like “Welcome to the Jungle” and “Out Ta Get Me.” But it also informed this song. Musically, it has a very ‘Exile On Main Street’-Stones vibe, like much of side two ofLies. But the lyrics are, frankly, unforgivable, and it’s...
my lonely days are gone with you around i've learned my lesson i've learned my lesson baby i've learned my lesson you around i've learned my lesson i can make you breakfast in the morning when you wake up then after we can watch some funny movies skip the make up i'll roll anoth...
The days are longer, warmer and sunnier. Farmers markets are open again. Sweaters replace coats and I get to wear jeans with tank tops and flip flops. Life is good. But this spring has been rough. Frigid snow in March, cold rain in April, the… Read more A Mother’s Day Poem, ...