Rosemount Radar Master 软件凭借其带向导的用户友好界面及回声曲线图,成为雷达装置的终极配置软件。支持 HART、Foundation 现场总线和 Modbus 协定,可适应您的工厂架构。其特色包括离线/在线配置、广泛的在线帮助和记录功能,Rosemount Radar Master 是您配置的优选。此外,其具...
The Rosemount Radar Master Software is the ultimate configuration software for radar devices due to its user-friendly interface with wizards and echo plot view. It supports HART, Foundation Fieldbus, and Modbus protocols to fit your plant’s infrastructure. Features such as offline/online configuration...
EMERSON艾默生ReferenceManualRosemount1408HLevelTransmitter说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 Reference Manual 00809-0100-4480, Rev AD May 2022 ™ Rosemount 1408H Level Transmitter Non-Contacting Radar Safety messages NOTICE Read this manual before working with the product. For persona...