(Toronto, Canada) delivers school learning solutions in K-12 transformative global education. Embracing innovation in academics and technology, Rosedale provides international schools a holistic education solution, supported by an integrated digital learning platform with transformative curriculum and ...
Rosedale centrally manages the academic administration of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) for Rosedale Global High School from our head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Students attending Rosedale Global High School with an international partner school register with Rosedale Global High Sch...
Speakers from: Columbia University, Imperial College London, University of Toronto, University of Auckland Concurrent Session B2: From high school to higher education: The student perspective In the 2021-2022 academic year, Rosedale Global High School’s graduating class comprised nearly 1,000 students...
A limited number ofStudent Workshopson a variety of themes hosted by:University College London, Imperial College London, The University of Edinburgh, NYU, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, University of Toronto, and more! Join 35+ of the world’s Global Top 100 Universities and more ...