Rose of Sharon Cassidy:"Not sure if I chose it or it chose me.Dadran a bar a long time ago, and it was a labor of love, Mom said. Didn't sound like it made her happy. Still, I'm guessing I got some of Dad's love of whiskey in me, because the burn suits me fine. Used...
SharonValerii saw Rose outside of University the other day, seeming a bit preoccupied alongside the Ninth Doctor. Artie D said that she looked like a girl he entirely failed to get off with at a party in Islington since she "swan off" after this other chap came up and said something ...
such as rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus, USDA zones 5 to 9) and cotton rose (Hibiscus mutabilis, zones 7 to 9), but the scientific name refers to a specific plant.
权谋运计·Sharon 统治局官员。表面上努力工作,不善言辞。实际上心计颇高,头脑精明。 运气较差,已被随机重生系统选中多次,被朋友戏称为“天弃之子”。然而重生多次仍能身居高位,可见其智慧。 白芜 至孤永寂·Lonee 孤独至极的林泊,终年活在她的异想空间荒凉之土中。