Life History of Niesthrea louisianica (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae) on Rose of Sharon in North Carolina Life history of the rhopalid Niesthrea louisianica Sailer was studied on the malvaceous shrub rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus L., near Charlotte, North Carolina. All bugs on 2 plants were...
What is hardest on our woody plants, including rosemary, is wet soil followed by temps that drop way down near zero then warm and drop again with considerable frost heaving. We don’t do a lot of mulching around the trunk and root zone, but do make generous use of garden blankets, thr...
Four years after disappearing from public view, Axl Rose is back on the scene, looking like a wax figure of himself, absorbing the crushing blows of Tommy Hilfiger, biting the legs of security guards, and gyrating, shrieking, and storming off stages acro
Whoevers down at flinders intersection, the people who are throwing the bottles and flares for the love of god everyone take as many photos as you can of them and pm them to me, they are not protesters they are cfmeu members there to agitate I’m being serious they are plants I’ve ...