Her weight is 52 kg. Her height matches the slim build she has. She is known for her Scottish accent and her beautiful blue eyes. Kit Harrington, who plays Leslie’s love interest in Game of Thrones, was rumored boyfriend of Leslie. But later it was cleared in an interview. Kit told...
Rose Leslie Photos This is Kind Rose... Full Sized haring... Vandals spm' and ... Rose LesliBreakfa... Rose Lesli | Full... Rose Lesliiki | F... Rose Lesliong hai... Rose Lesliie, Fla... Rose Leslislie #r... 10 Naturalbrities... 9 times Roved she... Rose LesliSkin Le....
The material is thinner than I expected so more of a spring/summer weight dress and will not hide any body imperfections if you have any. I am an athletic 5'7" 140lbs and fit a medium nicely, although the arms fit a bit snug. REVOLVE Shopper 8/5/17 尺码: 尺码准确 体型: 略带...