Rose Hanbury is allegedly "upset" about the ongoing rumors accusing her of having an affair with Prince William.
lots of people around the world have increased interest in Rose Hanbury and her mysterious connection to Prince William,”one X user wroteearlier this week, sharing the photos of Hanbury and her husband. “Unfortunately, people in China looked a little too closely at this...
Followingthe rumors of infidelity involving Rose Hanbury and William, the Prince of Wales, Hanbury garnered global attention from the mainstream media practically overnight. Suddenly, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley became a household name, with the public eager to learn all there was to know about...
The interest in the “Rose Hanbury Daughter Photo” greatly originates with the alleged involvement of Rose Hanbury with Prince William. For a while now, Rose has been associated with a number of roles by the future king, which raises questions as to the type of relationship the two share....
Rose Hanbury (born March 15, 1984) is an English former model and political adviser from England, United Kingdom. She has been famous over the years as Kate
“It all seems to come back to this Lady Rose who he’s had an affair — who he allegedly had an affair with,” Cohen said in reference to the resurfaced rumors from 2019 about William and Hanbury. “Don’t forget he broke it off with [Kate] after they dated for years and sowed ...