Ms. Parks once said: "The only tired I was, was tired of giving in."3 This solitary act of civil disobedience became a call to action. Her arrest led to a then relatively unknown pastor, Martin Luther King, Jr., to organize a bus boycott for the entire Montgomery [bus] system. ...
King expertly uses ethos, logos, and pathos to further strengthen and support his points throughout the speech. 975 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More How Did Rosa Parks Change America I think that it was a great thing that Rosa stood up for what she thought and didn’t stay quiet ...
A handwritten letter written by Rosa Parks recalling Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work in the civil rights movement is on sale for $54,000. The letter, dated Oct. 6, 1981, was sent to a Mr. Kessler more than a decade after King’s assassination. “I admired and respected...
Rosa Parks, a very important and influential black woman in history. When a student is learning about Blacks fighting for equal rights, it is almost certain that the name “Rosa Parks” will be mentioned. The story that students are taught is that she was a quiet woman who had had enough...
Rosa Parks' life was a lesson in perseverance. As a child, she grew up listening to the Ku Klux Klan ride by her house, fearing that her house would be burned down. In her small hometown in Alabama, she attended a one-room school for African-American children that only went through th...