ubuntu22,对应ROS2版本[1]是humble,首先是需要编译运行livox_ros_driver2[4] ### For ROS2 Humble:source /opt/ros/humble/setup.sh./build.sh humble 但在上面的环境下,如果编译不成功,接下来有2个办法处理: 一个办法是:以用fork的这个版本,里面已经有预编译好的x86链接库,可以尝试!如果想试试可先用这...
Livox_ros_driver2 相较于原版,修改了消息发布机制,可以同时发布 CustomMsg 和 PointCloud2 两种类型的消息。CustomMsg 是一种自定义消息类型,用于在自定义应用中传递自定义数据。PointCloud2 是一种表示点云数据的消息类型,用于在机器人控制、导航等应用场景中传递点云数据。
Remove the embedded SDK. Constraint: Livox ROS Driver 2 for ROS2 does not support message passing with PCL native data types. Fixed Fix IMU packet loss. Fix some conflicts with livox ros driver. Fixed HAP Lidar publishing PointCloud2 and CustomMsg format point clouds with no line number....
Livox device driver under Ros(Compatible with ros and ros2), support Lidar HAP and Mid-360. - livox_ros_driver2/build.sh at master · rosblox/livox_ros_driver2
沃览科技虽然在Github网站上发布了其面向ROS 1的激光雷达驱动程序livox_ros_driver和面向ROS 2的激光雷达驱动程序livox_ros2_driver,但由于kenny wang我手中没有其激光雷达固件,还无法使用其驱动程序软件包。为此,需要根据lvx文件格式自己动手编写其点云数据发布软件包。
确认livox_ros_driver2功能包已正确安装: 首先,确保你已经从正确的源获取了livox_ros_driver2功能包,并且已经正确安装在你的ROS工作空间中。 你可以使用以下命令来检查包是否存在于你的工作空间中: bash rospack list | grep livox_ros_driver2 如果命令没有输出,说明包可能没有安装或者没有正确配置在ROS工作...
[INFO] [livox_ros_driver2_node-1]: process started with pid [35602] [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [INFO] [1736963435.999782530] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Livox Ros Driver2 Version: 1.2.4 [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [INFO] [1736963436.000031642] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Data Source is raw...
<name>livox_ros_driver2</name> <version>1.0.0</version> <description>The ROS device driver for Livox 3D LiDARs</description> <!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag --> <!-- Example: --> <!-- <maintainer email="jane.doe@example.com">Jane Doe...
livox_ros2_driver fix ROS2 Humble build error 1个月前 livox_sdk_vendor fix ROS2 Humble build error 1个月前 .gitignore fix:fix miss CmakeLists.txt file bug 4年前 LICENSE.txt feat:ros2 first beta release 4年前 README.md fix ROS2 Humble build error 1个月前 RE...
2.1 Clone Livox ROS Driver 2 source code:git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_ros_driver2.git ws_livox/src/livox_ros_driver2Note :Be sure to clone the source code in a '[work_space]/src/' folder (as shown above), otherwise compilation errors will occur due to the ...