DDS implementation: Humble default Client library (if applicable): rclcpp Steps to reproduce issue Compile the project CARLA ROS bridge Load the rviz_carla_plugin Publish any message from CARLA Expected behavior Rviz2 should load the plugin and process the messages as intended Actual behavior Rviz...
root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home$ rosbags-convert $WORK_DIR/data/ros_bag/zed1_2020-11-09-18-01-08.bag root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home$ rosbags-convert $WORK_DIR/data/visual_localization_data/ros_bag/carla_768x384_visloc.bag 3.2.Set Up Docker Environment on the Remote PC for Visualiza...
[canopen] carla-pip: debian: pip: packages: [carla] fedora: pip: packages: [carla] osx: pip: packages: [carla] ubuntu: pip: packages: [carla] casadi-pip: debian: pip: packages: [casadi] fedora: pip: packages: [casadi] ubuntu: pip: packages: [casadi] cmakelint-pip: debian: pip:...
We've been using it already with LGSVL, Carla and custom Gazebo simulator and now starting more testing on real vehicles. In general I'm happy with results and the similarity to teb interface. BTW I'm using acceleration control and thinking about implementing AckermannDrive message replacement ...