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Another year, another ROSCon! This year we’re setting off to Odense, Denmark. At Canonical, we are excited to once again sponsor this event for a community... TurtleBot3 OpenCR firmware update from a snap The TurtleBot3 robot is a standard platform robot in the ROS community, and it’...
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security/sub-account-pass-role.yml Create a sub-account and have the ram:PassRole permission. stackgroup/aliyun-ros-stack-group-administration-role.yml Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole to enable use of Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. stackgroup/aliyun-ros-stack-group-execution-role...
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Let’s start by opening The Construct (https://www.theconstruct.ai/) and logging in. You can easily create a free account if you still don’t have one. Once inside, let’s createMy Rosjectsand then,Create a new rosjectif you decided decided taking this route: ...
Hi There,I run my own business and I would use an account with my name on it. So you set up a new credit card account with your name on it. This represents mone... RoscoPC UpdatedOct 22, 2021 12345678 Membership stats 80 Posts ...