q = unique(b +1, b +1+ n) - b -1;for(inti =1; i <= n ; ++i){ a[i] = lower_bound(b +1, b +1+ n, a[i]) - b; }for(inti =1; i <= n ; ++i) ++c[a[i]]; dfs(1,0);for(inti =1; i <= n ; ++i) sum[i] += sum[i -1];intans =0;for(inti =...
代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h>#defineLLlonglongusingnamespacestd;constintN=2e5;intn;inta[N+10],par[N+10],in[N+10],out[N+10],timeTip;vector<int>g[N+10];map<int,vector<int>>dic;vector<int>inTimes;set<pair<int,int>>edgeSet;//dp[i]表示有多少条边指向 iintdp[N+10],ans;voiddf...
A treehasroots.Peoplehaverootstoo,Ifyougettotherootof a problem,youwillsolveit.It'sthesamethingwithwords.Digdeeplyinto a big,unfamiliarwordandyouwillunderstandwhereitcamefromAsreaders,especiallythosereadingin a secondlanguage,weneedtodealwiththetextasifweweredetectives (侦探) lookingforinformationtounlock...
A tree has roots. People have roots too. If you get to the root of a problem, you will solve it. It's the same thing with words. Dig deeply into a big, unfamiliar word and you will understand where it came from. As readers, especially those reading in a second language, we ...
Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their 11)coffee black. I planted a couple of trees a few years back. Carried water to them for a 12)solid summer. Sprayed them. Prayed over them. The whole nine 13)yards. Two years of 14)coddling has resulted in ...
【图论】CF1467E - Distinctive Roots in a Tree 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1467/problem/E 观察 对于某种权值valval,若点ii的权值a[i]=vala[i]=val则把这个点染成黑色,其他的点染成白色。 定义黑色节点的数量,为权值valval的出现次数cnt[val]cnt[val]。
root英/ruːt/释义:[n.]树根 例句:She tripped her heel on a tree root and fell to the ground.她的脚后跟绊在一个树根上,摔倒在地。shoot英/ʃuːt/释义:[n.]芽,苗 嫩枝 [vt.]射中 射击 例句:警卫接到命令,一看到企图逃跑的人就开枪。The guards were ordered to shoot anyone who tried...
A treehasroots (根).Peoplehaverootstoo.Ifyougettotherootof a problem,youwillsolveit.It'sthesamethingwithwords.Digdeeplyinto a big,unknownwordandyouwillunderstandwhereitcamefrom.Asreaders,especiallythosereadingin a secondlanguage,weneedtodealwiththetextasifweweredetectives (侦探) whoarejustlookingfor...
五、 阅读理解 A tree has roots (根). People have roots too. If you get to the root of a problem, you can solve (解决) it. It's the same thing with words. Dig deeply into a big, unfamiliar (不熟悉的)word and you will know where it came from.As readers read in a second lang...
A tree has roots A tree has roots. People have roots too. If you get to the root of a problem, you will solve it. It's the same thing with words. Dig deeply into a big, unfamiliar word and you will understand where it came from. As readers, especially those reading in a second...