Most plants will root in about six to eight weeks. 大多数植物会在六到八周内生根。 3. ADJ Root vegetables or root crops are grown for their roots, which are large and can be eaten. 根茎的 [ADJ n] 例: ...root crops such as carrots and potatoes. …诸如胡萝卜和土豆等根茎作物...
From the results of intergrade comparision it was found that plants grown from the small size tubers (8–12g) were taller than those grown from other grades. The seed size tubers (40–45g) performed better than small size tubers in root length, root volume and total biomass.Sharma, A...
PROPAGATION METHODS FOR PRODUCING STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR FALL CROPPING IN THE MID-ATLANTIC COAST REGION Mature runner tips were harvested and stuck in cell packs for rooting. Containerized transplants were held on greenhouse bench until field establishment in ... F Takeda 被引量: 0发表: 0年 ...
Comparison of axillary bud growth and patatin accumulation in potato leaf cuttings as assays for tuber induction. Buds from cuttings of plants grown under the 16 and 20 h photoperiods exhibited mixed tuber, stolon, and leafy shoot growth. Patatin accumulation was ... WHEELER RAYMOND M.,HANNAPEL...
doi:10.3390/plants11152024POTATOESDROUGHT toleranceGENOTYPESABSCISIC acidDROUGHTSPLANT hormonesSALICYLIC acidGENE expressionThe selection and breeding of deep rooting and drought-tolerant varieties has become a promising approach for improving the yield and adaptability of potato (Solanum tube...
In the first experiment, mini-cuttings originating from summer pruning of mature plants were grown under closed soilless cultivation system irrigated with a nu- trient solution developed for the production of potato mini-tubers and a solution comprised of tap water only. The experiment was conducted...
Water stress resilience was identified using 13 C natural discrimination process in plants. Tuber samples were analyzed for 15 N and 13 C content. While drought affected potato yield (not always significantly), it did not affect nitrogen uptake. Root length and distribution varied among varieties,...
The effect of light quality on the morphogenesis of in vitro cultures of Azorina vidalii (Wats.) Feer In the present study, the possibility to improve the multiplication rate and quality of in vitro cultured plants of Azorina vidalii (Wats.) Feer was invest... MHMD Silva,PC Debergh - 《...
In the first experiment, mini-cuttings originating from summer pruning of mature plants were grown under closed soilless cultivation system irrigated with a nu- trient solution developed for the production of potato mini-tubers and a solution comprised of tap water only. The experiment was conducted...
In the first experiment, mini-cuttings originating from summer pruning of mature plants were grown under closed soilless cultivation system irrigated with a nu- trient solution developed for the production of potato mini-tubers and a solution comprised of tap water only. The experiment was conducted...