Honey Rooting Hormone Honey contains no rooting hormones so it will not help cuttings produce roots. Cuttings ofQueen of Philippines (Mussaenda philippica), showed no improvementover controls. Honey also did not significantly increaserooting onParkia biglobosa. There was some improvement in rooting when...
The following trial was completed by me, Liza Whalley, as the recipient of this year's New Zealand IPPS Propagators Scholarship. I have been employed as assistant propagator at Taupo Native Plant Nursery for 2 years and it has been the first propagating position I have been employed in. ...
It is proposed that the short de-etiolation leads to changes in chlorophyll contents, cell-wall composition, and hormone profiles that compensate for the loss of support from the nurse seedling; at the same time, the advantages provided by etiolation are not completely eliminated. The results ...