So, you see, by knowing just one root word –“struct-” – you can get a better idea of the meaning of at least 15 words in English. A few other common root words include “bio” meaning life, “auto” meaning self, “pro” ...
root words from the greek language root words meaning examples meter/metr measure thermometer, perimeter tele far off television, telephone psycho soul; spirit psychology, psychic therm heat thermal, thermometer techno art; science; skill technique, technological pseudo not genuine, false pseudonym, ...
tele far off television, telephone therm heat thermal, thermometer One method of understanding the meanings of new words is to analyze the different parts of the word and the meanings of those parts. Many new words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek...
Root words typically are not meaningful on their own. For example, the Greek root wordtelemeansdistantorfar. You can see this in words liketelevisionandtelephone. Butteleis not a word on its own. Likewise, the root wordbibliopertains tobook. Words likebibliographyandbibiophileare formed from t...
What does the root tele mean? Define root words What does the root word 'ora' mean? What does the root word port mean? What does cultivate mean? What does the root word log mean? What does the root word cosm mean? What does the root word 'phon' mean?
tele distant Greek telephone, telegram mal bad, evil Latin malice, malpractice psycho soul, spirit Greek psychic, psychology In our contemporary English vocabulary, we can readily infer the different parts of words, including their roots and prefixes or suffixes. Word Root Prefix Suffix unkindness ...
Import port into your brain, and it will ‘carry’ you far with knowledge of words! portly: refers to one who ‘carries’ much body weight import:‘carry’ in export:‘carry’ out portable: easily ‘carried’ deport:‘carry’ from important: ‘carried’ in reporter: one who ‘carries’ ...
with, together symphony, synonym, system, syllable tele- distant, far off telephone, telepathy, television, telegram trans- across transient, Transatlantic, transport (carry across) SUFFIXES SUFFIX DEFINITION EXAMPLE -agog, -agogue leader demagogue, pedagogue -cide kill(ing) patricide, infanticide, her...
Morphology is the study of how words are put together by using morphemes, which include prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Parsing the different morphemes in a word reveals meaning and part of speech. For instance, the word “invention” includes the prefixin-+ the rootvent+ the suffix-ion, fro...
*kwel-(2) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "far" (in space or time). Some sources connect this root with*kwel-(1), forming words to do with turning, via the notion of "completion of a cycle." It forms all or part of:paleo-;tele-;teleconference;telegony;telegraph;telegram;telekinesis...