These ROOT-WORDS are Prefixes MON & MONO which mean ONE. It comes from the Greek mons which means ALONE. MON & MONO open the door on marital customs of ancient days, when polygamy was the custom, permitting both many wives and many husbands. Civilization has complicated many things, but ...
Many English words are formed by taking basic words and adding combinations of prefixes and suffixes to them. A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word be…
We call the word from which another originates the ''root word'', like the root of that family tree of words. Sometimes, to really understand the root we have to trace the history of a word all the way down its family tree, something known as etymology....
What does the root word mono mean? What does the suffix -pnea mean? What does reproachful mean? What is the meaning of the suffix -able? What does the suffix -scopy mean? What does recalcitrant mean? What does the prefix ad- mean in words such as "adverb"?
pan means that is all over, so the person who believes in all god across all religion is pantheist monotheist – mono connotes one, so those who believe in one god are monotheists. also, check the one word substitution questions & answers asked in various government exams. 7. ...
If the word is broken down into its root words, then it will not seem so intimidating: pneu-mono-ultra-micro-scopic-silico-volcano-coni-osis Pneu- means lung, ultra- means extreme, micro- means small, silico- means silicon, volcano- refers to volcanic mineral particles, coni- means ...
mono one multi many oligo little, deficient poly many quadri four quar four quat four semi half or partial sub under, moderately super above, excessive, more tri three uni one ab away ad toward ana up, back ante before, in front of anti against, opposed to circum around contra against, ...
The pinhead-size cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) is one of several pests that feed on the starchy root crop, a food staple for hundreds of millions of people in the developing world. Cassava pest biologically suppressed In fact, the cereal and bean harvest that ended last July ...
Aplectrum,genus Aplectrum- a monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page...
Roots are determined by eliminating all inflectional and derivational affixes—for example, Russian luch in the words luch,“ray”; luchi,“rays”; luchevoi,“ray” (adjective); and izluchenie,“radiation.” In some languages the root may undergo sound changes, as in the German find/fand/fu...