Root wordMeaningExamples actto doreact, action, activity centr/o/icentereccentric, egocentric, centrifuge cyclcirclecycle, bicycle, encyclopedia dominmasterdomineering, dominate, dominant egoI (first personsingular)egomaniac, egotistic, superego employapply/make use ofunemployment, employee, disemploy ...
Adding -es to wish, changes the meaning o the word to more than one wish. PrefixDefinitionExamples anti- against anticlimax de- opposite devalue dis- not; opposite of discover en-, em- cause to enact, empower fore- before; front of foreshadow, forearm in-, im- in income, impulse in-,...
root words from the greek language root words meaning examples meter/metr measure thermometer, perimeter tele far off television, telephone psycho soul; spirit psychology, psychic therm heat thermal, thermometer techno art; science; skill technique, technological pseudo not genuine, false pseudonym, ...
zoolatry PREFIXES PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLES a-, an- not, without amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocial ab- away from abduction, abstain, abnormal ad- to, toward adjoin, adjacent (lying near to) ambi- both ambidextrous, ambivalent Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes http://.betterendings/homeschool/...