ROOT-WORDis the RootARCHwhich meansRULER. It comes from the GREEK archos. From this basic meaning it is associated with chief or head or king or origin in one way or another. You can make many words with ARCH, from ARCHbishop to ARCHfoe, from ARCHfriend to ARCHilar. Sometimes it is ...
word/thought dialogue luc light lucid manu hand manual meter/metr measure thermometer neg no negate ocu eye ocular olig few oligarchy op/oper work operation osteo bone osteoporosis path feeling sympathy ped child pediatrics phil love philosophy phys body/nature physical pod foot podiatrist proto first...
One has to wonder if this fueled the power grab of the 1940’s by the federal judiciary. See: America’s Fail From Democracy to Oligarchy. In 1954 the Brown v. Board of Education decision is regarded as having sparked the modern civil rights era when the Supreme Court rules deliberate ...
LatinandGreekaretheoriginofmanyofthem.The“root”isthecoreoftheword.Youcan addprefixesandsuffixestoarootandcreatemanydifferentwords.Youcanoftendetermine themeaningofawordifyouknowtherootandthemeaningofanyaffixes(i.e.,prefixesand suffixes).Sometimesitishardtotellthedifferencebetweenaprefixandarootword.In ...