What is the definition of a root word? Learn more about the meaning of root words, with a list of common root words and examples.
后缀+和蔼的(形容词)=和蔼(名词) Word web 5 Mar 2015 * Suffix Word Web Jigsaw 5 Mar 2015 * Prefix + Suffix + Root = Word Imp. point 5 Mar 2015 * Word Parts 单词部分 Important;重要的 Sometimes a group of letters appears to be a prefix, suffix, root, but is not; 有时字母组合看...
An officious person acts in a self-important manner; therefore, they are very eager to offer unwanted advice or services—which makes them annoying. office place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed officer direct or command as an officer official having official authority...
What is the root word of interesting? The word interesting originally meant "of concern"; it was a synonym of important. It comes from theverb interest, which in its original use meant "to induce or persuade to participate or engage." If you were interested in something, you were not wil...
The important Latin root word port means ‘carry.’ Some common English words that use this root include import, export, deport, and report. An easy way to remember this word root is through the word portable, which is something that is easily ‘carried’ from one place to another.Sail...
root words form a part of one-word substitution which is again an important topic to study in the english language section. candidates can go the category-wise list of one-word substitution for assistance in preparation. 6. root word –thie, a greek word – meaning –god/religion ...
Word History:The arrowroot is just one of many plants that the European settlers and explorers discovered in the New World. The Arawak, a people who formerly lived on the Caribbean islands and continue to inhabit certain regions of Guiana, named this plantaru-aru,meaning "meal of meals," ...
WordsoriginatingfromLatin(ancientRome)andGreek.Whyisitimportanttolearnrootwords?AlmosteverywordinEnglishhasrootwords,sothismakesiteasiertounderstandanewwordandrememberhowtospellthem.RootwordAer-,AeroOriginMeaningExampleGreekAir,atmosphereAerobics,aeroplane RootwordAgriOriginMeaningExampleGreekandLatinFieldAgriculture Root...
prime & prim TheseROOT-WORDSarePRIM & PRIMEmeaningFIRST. It comes from the Latin word primus (masc.), prima (fem.). This is a very important ROOT for most people. From the Metropolitan Opera to the ministry of states, to what hangs on the butcher’s hook, everyone wants it PRIME.1....
a root word can be confusing. The difference between a base word and a root word may seem simple, but they are actually two entirely different things. One can stand alone, while the other has its roots in ancient language and relies on the addition of other parts of words to be ...