make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library accessory aiding and abetting in a crime cession the act of ceding concession a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business excess more than is needed, desired, or required ...
NTTL Contractmanager Nuclino Nulia Works Nura 空間 NUSO 雲端連接器 Office2SharePoint OfficeAmp Officely - Desk Booking OfficeMaps OfficeRnD Hybrid Work OfficeSpace Offision Okta Okta APAC OLi 健康 OLIVE VLE OmniMentor ON 連接器 oneTeams Onsight Connect 向後 開啟IFC 查看器 Opkey 項目計劃 Organ...
exclusive not divided or shared with others exit the act of going out expiration a coming to an end of a contract period Related Word Roots ex- thoroughly e- out of, from ec- out of, from ef- out of, from Back to Word Roots Differentiated...
NTTL Contractmanager Nuclino Nulia Works Nura Space NUSO 云连接器 Office2SharePoint OfficeAmp Officely - 桌面预订 OfficeMaps OfficeRnD Hybrid Work OfficeSpace Offision Okta Okta APAC OLi 健康 OLIVE VLE OmniMentor ON 连接器 oneTeams Onsight Connect 向前 打开IFC 查看器 Opkey 项目计划 Organization...
We haven’t the resources to do the work ourselves, so we’ll put it out to contract. 查看完整题目与答案 () tomorrow’s lessons, I have no time to go out with you. A. Not preparing B. Not to prepare C. Not being prepared D. Not having prepared 查看完整题目与答...
There might also be many postseason, or “after”-the-season shows which explore events of the past season. Sometimes sports seasons have to be postponed, or placed “after” when they were supposed to occur, usually because of contract negotiations. It’s funny how fast children grow up. ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Any of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Arteries have muscular walls that expand and contract to help pump blood with high levels of oxygen to the tissues of the body. arterial(är-tîr′ē-əl)adjective
Why wasn’t the equipment available?The supplier didn’t keep to their part of the contract regarding delivery time. Why did the supplier fail to deliver on time?Theprocurement processwas delayed due to unclear specifications and late approvals. ...
Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of *dent-.” Online Etymology Dictionary,*dent-. Accessed 9 February, 2025. D. Harper. “Etymology of *dent-.” Online Etymology Dictionary.*dent- (accessed February 9, 2025). ...