An antonym is a word that is “opposite” in meaning to another word, such as dark being the antonym of light. Would an antagonist of yours, or one who goes “against” you, offer you an antacid tablet or antimatter? If your stomach wasn’t feeling well because of too much acid in ...
It forms all or part of:abiogenesis;aerobic;amphibian;anaerobic;azo-;azoic;azotemia;bio-;biography;biology;biome;bionics;biopsy;biota;biotic;cenobite;Cenozoic;convivial;couch-grass;epizoic;epizoon;epizootic;macrobiotic;Mesozoic;microbe;Protozoa;protozoic;quick;quicken;quicksand;quicksilver;quiver(v.) "to...
(2012a) conducted a microcosm study with 1 g root, along with its root plaque, and 300 g paddy soil under biotic, as well as, abiotic conditions. During the incubation period, the root plaque decomposed followed by subsequent release of As, which was 76.1% complete in 27 days (faster) ...
11. Amphibolic : AMPHI bolic (am fi bol’ ik) adj.Uncertain; critical stages in disease12. Amphilogism : AMPHI logism (am fil’ o jiz um) n.Double talk; ambiguity of speech; equivocation13. Amphirhina : AMPHI rhina (am fi rie’ na) n.Vertebrates with double nasal chambers14. Amphis...
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may result in selection for certain colours at increasing alt... SEJ Arnold,V Savolainen,L Chittka -...
Acknowledgments This work was supported by a fellowship for experienced researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to the first author. Appendix A. Supplementary data The following is the Supplementary data to this article. Download: Download Word document (498KB) Multimedia component 1. ...
that greater availability of water in these systems promotes the growth and transport of living (i.e., roots) and dead surficial, in-situ C down-profile and that this downward flux both influences and is mediated by soil structural attributes which are, in part, governed by biotic activity....
annually and the estimated annual yield is 50 million tons [2]. Soil-borne pathogens and pests are major biotic hurdles to the brinjal cultivation, especially in organic agriculture, and inflict 78% of the damage on brinjal production if not managed properly from the beginning of the cultivation...