Beijing and is well-known the world historical city as China's capital, has the huge attraction to everywhere tourists, already formed take the international traveling as central and the domestic traveling for the foundation traveling economical industry.[translate] ...
Repulsion and attraction to an object at the same time 13. Ambivalent : AMBI valent (am biv’ a lent) adj. Repelled and attracted at the same time 14. Ambivert : AMBI vert (am’ bi vert) n. A person whose nature combines those of the introvert and extrovert 15. Ambisinister : AMBI...
1540s, "flesh or meat of the belly" (a sense now obsolete), from Latinabdomen"the belly," a word of unknown origin, Perhaps [OED, Watkins] fromabdere"conceal" (fromab"off, away" + PIE root*dhe-"to set, put"), with a sense of "concealment of the viscera," or else "what is...
master ECDICT/wordroot.txt Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 14486 lines (14486 sloc) 362 KB Raw Blame { "hom": { "meaning": "man, human", "class": "root", "root": "hom", "example": [ "homage", "homicide"...
As with any staple community attraction, museum and city officials have continually spurred improvement initiatives — including in the entrance and parking lot area, which began in November 2021. “We are redeveloping that entire space,”notes Tyler Eddy, Director of Exhibits and Communication. “...
laterlibet"pleases,"libido,lubido"desire, longing; sensual passion, lust;" Old Church Slavonicl'ubu"dear, beloved,"ljubiti, Russianljubit'"to love;" Lithuanianliaupsė"song of praise;" Old Englishlufu"feeling of love; romantic sexual attraction," GermanLiebe"love," Gothicliufs"dear, beloved...
Team, why brain drain? Why is the lax? The brand's ability to absorb concentrated is obvious. It has an inestimable attraction for talents. It is the foundation of team cohesion. One of the strongest voices of our complaints is that I have no one, I can't find anyone, but you can ...
That there is transmission of this kind was proved in an interesting manner when horizontally extended radicles of the bean were exposed to the attraction of gravity for 1 or 1½ h., and their tips were then amputated. Within this time no trace of curvature was exhibited, and the radicles...
Cancer to bone: a fatal attraction Nat. Rev. Cancer, 11 (6) (2011), pp. 411-425 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [3] K. Wang, Y. Gu, Y. Liao, S. Bang, C.R. Donnelly, O. Chen, X. Tao, A.J. Mirando, M.J. Hilton, R.R. Ji PD-1 blockade inhibits osteoclast format...
Carol M. Highsmith // Library of Congress Meteor Crater (Meteor City, Arizona) Sometime between 5,000 and 50,000 years ago, a meteor crashed into northern Arizona and formed a massive crater that's been turned into a popular tourist attraction. The site is only minutes from Interstate 40 ...