telescope hypo below; beneath hypothermia, hypothetical homo same homonym, homogenous chron time chronological, chronic gram thing written epigram, telegram auto self autobiography, automobile dyna power dynamic, dynamite bio life biology, biography dys bad; hard; unlucky dysfunctional, dyslexic phobia fear...
telescope n. a device shaped like a long tube that you look through in order to see things that are far away microscope n.a device used for producing a much larger view of very small objects so that they can be seen clearly periscope n. an instrument containing lenses and mirrors by whi...
ROOT-WORDisSCOPEwhich comes from scopos, meaningWATCH & SEE. The number of instruments which SCOPE one thing or another increases every day it seems. Soon there will be no need to read about anything because we’ll be able to see it. We’ll just reach out for a handy little SCOPE and...
scope viewing instrument microscope, telescope techno art; science; skill technique, technological tele far off television, telephone therm heat thermal, thermometer One method of understanding the meanings of new words is to analyze the different parts of the word and the meanings of those parts. ...
aud- meaning “to hear or listen” is not a word on its own, but it is the root of words such as audio, audible, or auditorium. Some root words can be stand-alone words — for example, the Greek root word scope meaning “viewing instrument” in the words microscope and telescope. ...
1. Dyne : DYN e (dine) n. A unit of force 2. Dynagraph : DYNA graph (die’ na graf) n. Apparatus for recording the condition of a line of track 3. Dynameter : DYNA meter (die name’ e ter) n. Instrument for determining a telescope’s magnifying power ...
1 Howmanyofthesedoyouknow?哪些单词你了解?•Polyglot;通晓多种语言的人•Hyperactive;活动过度的•Extraterrestrial.地球外的 5Mar2015 ToC 2 RootWords词根 •EarlyHistory;早期历史 •Whatarerootwords;什么是词根 •Whyweshouldlearnthem;•为什么我们应该学习它们 •Howisthisknowledgeuseful?这样的知识...
It forms all or part of:paleo-;tele-;teleconference;telegony;telegraph;telegram;telekinesis;Telemachus;telemeter;telepathy;telephone;telescope;television. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritcaramah"the last;" Greektele"far off, afar, at or to a dist...
再、往后 replace, replenish; semi-半、部分的 semiconductor, semi sphere; sub-下一级、次要 subordinate, substitute; super- 上方的、超过的.superfluous, supervisor; tele- 远的、远距离 telephone, telescope; therm(o)-热、热电的 thermos, thermometer; trans- 横越、通过 transplant, transmit; ultra-在...