What does the root word chrom mean? What does the prefix spir- mean? What does the root word phob mean? What does the suffix -cede mean? What does the root word 'phon' mean? What does the word 'seismic' mean? What does the root -ject mean?
spir breathe inspire, respiration, conspire, perspiration spond, spons promise, answer for respond, responsible spont by one's own force spontaneous stat stay, position station tang, tact touch tactile, tangible temp time temporary, temporize ten, tent hold tentative, tenable, tenuous terr earth sub...
(ver+dict 说一说真话→裁决) 70 verb=word,表示“词语” verb n 动词 adverb n 副词(ad 加+verb→加在动词上的词→副词) verbal a 词语的 verbatim a 逐字的ad,逐字地(直接来自拉丁文,wordfor word) verbose a 罗嗦的,亢长的(verb+ose多词的) proverb n 格言(pro 前面+verb →放在前面的词→格言...
"root"and"prefix"and"suffix"formthemeaningofaword. So,aslongasyourememberthemeaningofaroot,youcan recognizetheshapeofarootfromaword,andyoucanunderstand itinthefaceofanewword.Forexample,ifyouremembervis, youcanseethatvisibleiswhatyousee Atthesametimearootcanderivealotofwords,fullydisplays the"root"meani...
Where does the word euthanasia come from? What does the prefix spir- mean? What does awry mean? What is a synonym for flood? What does pernicious mean? What does characterize mean? What does rooted in mean? What does the suffix -ance mean? What does irregular verb mean? What does the...