" " Faeculent," by tlwe way, or " stercoraceous," is a more accurate term than " faecal " to describe the vomiting of intestinal obstruction, the word " faecal," though frequently used loosely, being better restr-icted to the description of the vomited matter in cases of gastro-...
word-hoard \WURD-hawrd, noun: A person's vocabulary. It held what our Saxon forebears would have called his word-hoard. Prisk dipped into his invisible bag, drew out a word apparently at random, fingered it jealously for some minutes, returned it, and brought out another word. -- Mich...
例如 gastro+pexy 构成 gastropexy 删除:后接的构词形或后附以元音字母为词首。例如 gastro+algia 构成 gastralgia, gastro+itis 构成 前缀字母同化:部分前缀尾字母被后接词素首字母同化。如 Ad + celerate 成 accelerate Ex + fusion 成 effusion In + mersion 成 immersion Ob + clusion 成 occlusion Sub ...