Ans. A base word is an independent English word that can likewise frame different words by utilizing prefixe...Read full Give an example of Root Word? Ans. In the word Friendly, friend is a Root Word. What is the importance of Root Word? Ans. Root words, particularly those from differe...
Nelumbo nucifera- native to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers Indian lotus,lotus,sacred lotus water lily- an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Word History:The arrowroot is just one of many plants that the European settlers and explorers discovered in the New World. The Arawak, a people who formerly lived on the Caribbean islands and continue to inhabit certain regions of Guiana, named this plantaru-aru,meaning "meal of meals," ...
A convivial atmosphere or occasion is friendly, pleasant, cheerful, and relaxed. vivacious If someone is described as vivacious, they are lively and have a happy, lighthearted manner. vivid A vivid picture is brightly colored and/or lifelike. survive If you survive something, such as a difficul...
Let’s look at one common root word used in English. “Alter” from the Latin word means “other”. When you meet this root word, you know that the bigger word has something to do with “other”. Examine the word “alternate”. Can you find the Latin root in it?
Let’s end with a friendly benediction instead of a malediction: may mal no longer be “evil” or “bad” towards your vocabulary knowledge, but rather alert you to the fact that you might want to avoid anything in your path that needs a mal root word to describe it! malfunction: when...
If someone patronizes you, they talk or behave in a way that seems friendly; nevertheless, they also act as if they were more intelligent or important than you are. patriarch A patriarch is a male leader of a family or tribe; a patriarch can also be a man who is the founder of a ...
A convivial atmosphere or occasion is friendly, pleasant, cheerful, and relaxed. connote If a word or behavior connotes something, it suggests an additional idea or emotion that is not part of its original literal meaning. conjecture A conjecture is a theory or guess that is based on informati...
JUNE 16, 2005 ANOTHER BOOT EP JUNE 6, 2005 SARA LIKES ME, NOT MY MIX But there's so much of meinthe mix. Tegan and Sara Mylo their record company DB Magazine Sara: "It's... fine. I actually know Party Ben; he's really funny. Those mash-ups are weird to me anyway, and dance...
httpie - A command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement. kube-shell - An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI. mycli - A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting. pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. saws -...