counteract act in opposition to counterbalance To oppose with an equal weight or power; to counteract the power or effect of; to countervail; to equiponderate; to balance. counterclockwise in the opposite direction to that in which the hands of a clock rotate, as viewed from in front of ...
For instance, the prefix contra- gave rise to the words contradict and contrast, whereas the variant spelling counter- gave rise to counteract and counterfeit. To contradict someone is to speak “against” what she is saying, whereas a counterclockwise direction is “opposite” of the normal way...
It forms all or part of:act;action;active;actor;actual;actuary;actuate;agency;agenda;agent;agile;agitation;agony;ambagious;ambassador;ambiguous;anagogical;antagonize;apagoge;assay;Auriga;auto-da-fe;axiom;cache;castigate;coagulate;cogent;cogitation;counteract;demagogue;embassy;epact;essay;exact;exacta;ex...
全 colleague, combination, conform, coordinate; contra- 相反、针对 contradiction; contrary dis- 否定、除去 discriminate, disorder; counter- 反,逆对、等 counteract, counterpart; de- 取消、脱离、向下 decline, departure; fore- 前面、预先 forehead, forecast; en(m)- 使成为、使进入 enable, enclose; ...
a very powerful process, but the thing we’re trying to tell you here, and this is the important part, I’ll try to stay light on the science, but when you go to inflammation, the types of foods that we love to eat, you seethe types of foods that actually can counteract ...
The prefix contra- and its variant counter- mean “opposite” or “against.” For instance, the prefix contra- gave rise to the words contradict and contrast, whereas the variant spelling counter- gave rise to counteract and counterfeit. To contradict
Fresh-cut produce have become widely popular, increasing vegetable consumption in many parts of the word. However, they are more perishable than unprocessed fresh vegetables, requiring cold storage to preserve their quality and palatability. In addition to cold storage, UV radiation has been used exp...