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Note: Replace command with the actual command. command line interface (CLI): sudo command graphical user interface (GUI): See Graphical Applications with Root Rights.2 Password entry.If a password has been configured, the utility will prompt for it. User Password versus Root Passwordedit ...
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GET'D7')?$format=text/csv 応答 応答の例を下に示します。 HTTP HTTP/1.1302FoundContent-Type: text/plainLocation: ...
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new TBrowser //打开文件浏览器 知道了.root文件中数据的结构后,就可以开始画图了。(可以参考一些用root画图的教学视频,但这里的.root文件的结构略复杂) 编写一个root宏文件来画图 .! vim macro7.C 运行 .x macro7.C 或者我们想要马上得到Particle.PID==5 对应的粒子的动量与z轴夹角余弦的分布图,可以使用一...
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command=run } separator { } item { name=Shutdown... image=system-shutdown command=logout } } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=8 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=launchbar Config { Button { id=chromium-browser.desktop } Button { id=pcmanfm.desktop } Button { id=lxterminal.desktop } ...