Solucionado: Buenas quisiera haceros una pregunta... le hice root a mi s23 ultra porque el fermata auto no me iba en android 14, pero al hacer root
三星S23ULtra国港台(SM-S9180)手机官方都支持线刷模式刷机,也就是大家常说的ODin模式线刷,此操作属于底层刷机模式,可解决全部非硬件级别损坏。同时ODin工具也兼顾降级升级系统等功能, 快速线刷到自己想要的系统版本。如果你的系统自带root权限,希望去除ROOT回归官方,那么ODin线刷也将是你唯一的选择。下面是三星S23ULtra...
三星S23ULtra欧版(SM-S918B)手机官方都支持线刷模式刷机,也就是大家常说的ODin模式线刷,此操作属于底层刷机模式,可解决全部非硬件级别损坏。同时ODin工具也兼顾降级升级系统等功能, 快速线刷到自己想要的系统版本。如果你的系统自带root权限,希望去除ROOT回归官方,那么ODin线刷也将是你唯一的选择。下面是三星S23ULtra...
How to root the Samsung Galaxy S23 with Magisk Many enthusiasts expected thatachieving root accesson the Galaxy S23 would be just as easy as rooting Samsung's older Galaxy devices, but that didn't turn out to be the case. Due to the fact that the phones runAndroid 13out of the box, ...
Samsung Galaxy A14 5G Hard Reset, Factory Reset & Unlock July 12, 2023 Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Hard Reset, Factory Reset & Unlock July 12, 2023 Samsung Galaxy S23 Hard Reset, Factory Reset & Unlock July 12, 2023 1 2 … 28 Next → SCREENSHOT GUIDE Guide to Take Screenshot on ...
2022年的全新Note20Ultra开箱 00:32 极为简陋的西数4T紫盘杨过开箱 02:30 鬼才的三星:让iOS设备体验三星OneUI 06:27 三星Fino900S上卷 00:37 时空穿越?三星NX 45 F1.8 3D镜头开箱 02:24 年轻人的第一个LV?Louis The Game部分录屏 00:21 Win10更新Win11虚拟机实录 17:23 Windows11虚拟机首次开...
The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra just released and packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 process globally. This makes it the most powerful Android device running Android 13 out of the box. But, what if you want to run other custom Roms? You can do so easily. This phone comes with a 5000 ...
Forum: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra E Thread Question Oneplus 12 Undervolt/Underclock Hello, With the Android 15 update, the CPU clocks are set higher than before on balanced preset and the battery took a hit because of this. What is the best way to set CPU frequencies on this device?
三星Galaxy S22Ultra手机已支持获取root权限了,刷机之前需要进行解锁BL,解锁BL会清除手机全部数据,如果有重要资料请自行备份到电脑端 本项目为远程刷机服务,非第三方ROM刷机资料下载,仅支持远程刷机 远程刷机需要用户自己有电脑,并且可联网,网速满足远程条件才可以 ...
三星Galaxy S20 Ultra安卓版本:安卓13设备代号:G98XXUI版本:OneUI5.1刷机包类型:卡刷包S20/S20+/S20U 高通(865) CPU V31.0Android 13.0(T)-OneUI5.0支持机型● S20系列国行/港版/台版 (G9810/G9860/G9880)● S20系列韩版(G981N/G986N/G988N)...