注意:打电话发信息的这种程序是不可以删除的,否则后果很严重 三:因为system/app就是系统程序安放的路径,我们不能够使用的(如果不把 分享353 雷蛇手机吧 a孤独的牧马人 雷蛇手机2 Root教程发了好几次都发不出来 也是醉了 适用系统:最新系统(Android 9.0 MR1) 操作环境:Windows 10 43617 小米note吧 亨利roaring ...
phones, this phones run ICS but don't have android's native restore with adb, Sony has added a own custom "Backup&Restore" app, the script handles this cases too, just choose the correct option! Download: Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v36: Download New Z2 Root method b...
OnTermux, npm seems to incorrectly assume the existence of files owned by root in the.npmdirectory when trying to either check the outdated global packages, installing a package, or updating a package; nothing in Termux is root-owned by default (and your device must be rooted to even have ...
after this is done press a key here in this shell to continue! If the shell on your device does not show please re-start the process! Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term } Error type 3 Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs...
If you have a later OS build, you will not be able to proceed with installation of the bootloader. You would need to reset your phone, which will probably take it back to around build 10586.318 (that's where mine reset to). You can either run WPinternals at that point...