网络均方根残差 网络释义 1. 均方根残差 ... (4)均方根残差(Root-Mean-Square Residual. RMR) (3) 均方根近似误( Root-Mean-Square Eooro of Approximation.033, ...|基于 1 个网页
例如,在模型评估中,通过计算预测值与实际值之间的平均变异残根平方根,可以得到root mean square residual(rmr),这有助于我们了解模型预测误差的大小。此外,均方根表面粗糙度(root mean square surface roughness)也是一种应用根均方误差准则的例子。它用于描述表面微观不平的程度,数值越小表示表面越...
Examination of the Weighted Root Mean Square Residual: Evidence for Trustworthiness? Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 2018; 25(3):453-66., C., Liu, J., Jiang, N., & Shi, D. (2018). Examination of the weighted...
Root MSE–Root MSE is the standard deviation of the error term, and is the square root of the Mean Square Residual (or Error). 翻译:根MSE - 根MSE是误差项的标准偏差,是均方残差(或误差)的平方根。 Root就是Squre Root的简写,就是将回归的均方残差开平方根。Root MSE即 Root Mean Squared Error...
Prediction errors were evaluated by determining theroot mean squareserrors of calibration (RMSEC),root mean squareserror of cross validation (RMSECV), and RMSEP. Busk et al [13] conducted a trial in Denmark and reported that the AutoFom I prediction of total LMP yielded a residualroot mean squ...
Root Mean Square Error of Estimation Root Mean Square Error of Prediction Root Mean Square Error of Validation Root Mean Square of Successive Differences Root Mean Square Percentage Error Root Mean Square Prediction Error Root Mean Square Predictive Difference Root Mean Square Residual Root Mean Square...
Root Mean Square Error of Estimation Root Mean Square Error of Prediction Root Mean Square Error of Validation Root Mean Square of Successive Differences Root Mean Square Percentage Error Root Mean Square Prediction Error Root Mean Square Predictive Difference Root Mean Square Residual Root Mean Square...
aThe rootmean square (RMS)was used to evaluate the surface roughness of the unmodified andmodified PE porousmembranes based on 5.0m×5.0mscan area. The average of three measurements was reported. rootmean正方形(RMS)用于评估根据5.0 m×5.0 mscan区域的unmodifi编辑andmodifi编辑PE porous...
The RMSE is the square root of the average value of the square of the residual (actual - predicted) <MATH> \text{Root mean squared error (RMSE|RMSD)}= \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N (Y_i-\hat{Y_i})^2}{N}} </MATH> API Spark:RegressionMetrics Documentation / Refe...