Both Root Mean Square (RMS) and Average Power Spectrum (AVG) are employed to extract features of EEG signal data and then used for identification, by which a BackPropagation method is employed. The experiment, done with 200 tested signal data file, demonstrates that the identification of the ...
博士论文 摘要 1. 引言 Introduction 2. 四元数及其向量参数化 Quaternions and their Vector Parameterizations 2.1 四元数代数 Quaternion Algebra 2.2 单位四元数的向量参数化 Vector parameterizations of the unit quaternions 3. 欧几里得系统的无迹卡尔曼滤波 Unscented Kalman Filter for Euclidian Systems 4. 四...
论文--毕业论文 文档标签: 帮助Therootthe迹卡尔曼平方根无反馈意见 系统标签: unscentedkalman平方根root卡尔square THE SQUARE-ROOT UNSCENTED KALMAN FILTER FOR STATE AND PARAMETER-ESTIMATION Rudolph van der Merwe and Eric A. Wan Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology 20000 NWWalker Road, Bea...
The root mean square propagation (RMS-Prop) algorithm is used to control the non-polarization-maintaining (non-PM) fiber laser to generate linearly polarized laser. The parameters of the RMS-Prop algorithm are theoretically analyzed, including cost function, perturbation amplitude, and global learning...