Rise time 上升时间 Root-locus analysis 根轨迹分析(方法) Running sum 动…27866.blog.163.com|基于3个网页 2. 根轨迹分析法 信号与系统常用词汇中英文对照表... ... 206 Rise time 上升时间 207 Root-locus analysis 根轨迹分析法 208 Running sum 流动和 ... hi.baidu.com|基于2个网页...
root-locusanalysis网络根轨迹分析;根轨迹分析法 网络释义 1. 根轨迹分析 DSP 专业英语词汇 - 窝窝头的日志 - 网易博客 ... Rise time 上升时间 Root-locus analysis 根轨迹分析(方法) Running sum 动…27866.blog.163.com|基于3个网页 2. 根轨迹分析法 信号与系统常用词汇中英文对照表... ... 206 Rise...
generalized root locus 广义根轨迹图 Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析 equation of locus 轨迹的方程 cuspidal locus 尖点轨迹 相似单词 locus n. 场所,所在地,轨迹 root n. 1.[C](植物)根,根茎 2.[C](头发,牙齿,指甲)根,根部 3.[C]根源,起因 4.[C]起源,基础,根基 5.[pl.]根(指与出生...
root locus analysis 【计】 根轨迹分析相关短语 terminal field (相轨迹的) 终点场 internal absorbent method (元素分析的) 内吸收法 Nobel elutriator (粒度分析用) 诺贝尔淘析器 displacement method (分析超静定结构的基本方法之一) 位移法 pyramid ratios (进行财务比率分析的一种方法) 金字塔形比率 meridian ...
Root-LocusAnalysis qiqian Thebasicprinciple Ifaclosed-loopTFisgivenlikethat Theopen-loopTFis:Ks(0.5s1) Theclosed-loopTFis:2Ks22s2K Therootsofcharacteristicequationis s22s2K0 IftheparametergainKchangedfromzerotoinfinity,alltherootsoftheclosed-loopsystem...
generalized root locus 广义根轨迹图 root locus analysis 【计】 根轨迹分析 equation of locus 轨迹的方程 cuspidal locus 尖点轨迹 locus of an equation 方程的轨迹 相似单词 locus n. 场所,所在地,轨迹 root n. 1.[C](植物)根,根茎 2.[C](头发,牙齿,指甲)根,根部 3.[C]根源,起因 4.[...
Root Locus Analysis of Piecewise Linearized Models with Multiple Feedback Loops and Unilateral or Bilateral SaturationThe lumped negative feedback model of cortical dynamics provided three main predictions about the relationship between the occurrence of action potentials ("units") of single neurons and ...
The root locus method, developed by W.R. Evans, is widely used in control engineering for the design and analysis of control systems. In this method, the closed-loop system poles are plotted against the value of a system parameter, typically the open-loop transfer function gain. ...
Root-Locus为一些rootloci项目的包装rlplot纳在csad工具箱和根轨迹的程序我只列举了cc少都可以被用来生成数据和情节的根轨迹给予环传递函数 Root-Locus技术 Introduction We have demonstrated the importance of the poles and zeros of the closed-loop transfer function of a linear control sustem on the dynamic...
(无Quiz3) Lec20 - Ch5 时域分析 Time-Domain Analysis (1/6) Lec21 - Ch5 时域分析 (2/6) Lec22 - Ch5 时域分析 (3/6) Lec23 - Ch5 时域分析 (4/6) Lec24 - Ch5 时域分析 (5/6) Lec25 - Ch5 时域分析 (6/6) Lec26 - Ch7 根轨迹 Root Locus (1/8) Lec27 - Ch7 根轨迹 ...