2b; containing more root-specific elements than the region between 2-kb and 4258-bp, see below description) upstream of the insertion site of the coding T-DNA_2 was PCR-amplified from J3411, sequenced and analysed for the presence of a putative promoter as well as cis-regulatory elements....
Growth extent and direction determine cell and whole-organ architecture. How they are spatio-temporally modulated to control size and shape is not well known. Here we tackled this question by studying the effect of brassinosteroid (BR) signalling on the
there is a lack of genetic evidence regarding whether and how plants orchestrate the dynamic assembly of the microbiome upon drought. By utilizing mutants with enhanced or decreased root hair densities, we find that root hair regulators also affect...
From this exploration, we provide a holistic description of contexts in which a synthetic biology approach can be applied to plant root and microbiome engineering for improving crop resilience and sustainability. Engineering form and function of roots Engineering predictable patterns of gene expression in...
NO is also involved in root hairgrowth and development. The root epidermis is composed of two cell types: trichoblasts (or hair cells) and atrichoblasts (nonhair cells). InArabidopsis, as well as in lettuce, the NO scavenger cPTIO blocked the auxin-induced root hair elongation indicating tha...
Root hairs (Fig. 1.4) are very small white, hair-like structures that are found near the tips of all roots. As the root grows, the hairs on the older parts die off and others develop on the younger parts of the root. They play a very important part in the nutrition andwater uptake...
(exemplarily highlighted by arrows) represent the bacteria. Bacteria are mostly visible on root hairs and soil particles in the rhizosphere. Green autofluorescence of the plant is showing the plant tissue. In the close-up, the typical round structure of bacterial cells on a root hair is visible...
This depends on position, which can be interpreted as a dependence on the stretchratio, i.e., the past history of the wall element. Thus a simple mechanical description appears to be appropriate.C.R. SteeleProgress in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation...
However, a detailed description of the early sporophyte development, immediately after gametophyte fertilization, and root emergence has not been accomplished yet. Ceratopteris establishes an homorhizic root system where no primary root is developed but the continuous emergence of shoot-borne roots. ...
c, Single-cell growth in 4D of epidermal (non-hair) cells. Differences in the rate of cell growth (depth, length, width and volume) over the duration of imaging were modelled according to the position of the cells from the QC at the beginning of the imaging, in WT, bri1 and WT ...