So, this was our guide on how to root Snapdragon Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+, and Galaxy Note 9 using the Extreme Syndicate root method. If you face any issues during the instructions, you can check the original XDA thread for your S9here, S9+here, and Note 9here. Or, you can just leave...
The first step is to enable ‘OEM Unlocking’ to allow flashing custom binaries. Once that is done, the second step is to install TWRP recovery on your Galaxy S9/Galaxy S9 Plus. Then the third step is to disable forced-encryption and preventPrenormal KG/RMM State(Only on Android Pie and ...
To be able to root your Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ you would first need to install theTWRP recovery. There could be other solutions like CF Auto Root or patched images files, that could root your device without needing TWRP, but installing the SuperSU root package using TWRP remains the mos...