It is hoped that we have made you more confident in distinguishing the different spellings and meanings of these words. But if you do find yourself hesitating about which to use, look it up in ourdictionary. Share Games & Quizzes
-- Alice Munroe, Meneseteung Fling leaflets down basements; expose them in stalls; trundle them along streets on barrows to be sold for a penny or given away. -- Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own: Three Guineas Trundle, first used in the 1500s, may originate from the Old English ...
Root means to cheer for a sports team, the underground part of the plant, and to dig something up with a snout. Route is a way from one place to another. Rout is to defeat decisively, but is also used instead of root in some senses—after all, rout originated from root. Here’s ...
Research shows teaching Greek and Latin roots is the best way for students to learn vocabulary. Amp up the fun and proficiency level in your classroom with these (40) Greek and Latin Root Task Cards, and watch your students' Tier Two and Three vocabulary
"function": "The prefix syl-occurs in Greek loanwords and hence attaches to Greek bases. It is an assimilated form of syn-used before roots beginning with l, such as \"log\". See syn-.\r\n" }, "-en2": { "class": "adjective-forming suffix", "example": [ "ashen", "brazen",...
Someone give the audio team a serious pat on the back because they’ve-almost- nailed the audio. The voice acting is really stellar and you can really tell the emotional swings in a character when you press them for answers or back them into a corner. The only downside is that there’...
Whitehouse continues his expert spelunking of the YouTube and (shudder) MySpace caverns and comes up with more inexplicable uses of some of my bootleg productions as accompaniment for some form of homemade video, with a variety of results. Let's try that video-embedding feature and see if ...
Let's open up the internet box and see what fascinating real, actual e-mails have arrived in the basement of Party Ben Headquarters, been sorted into categories by a team of scientists, and forwarded via a complicated series of tubes to Party Ben Information Systems department heads for immedi...
with nary a mention of Go Home Productions, and apparently the only mash-up development in 2007 has been The Hood Internet's website. Nothing against the latter, but this is like the Pitchfork Alternate History of the mash-up universe, and it leaves a lot of important stuff out, I think...