Rdataframe不需要setbranchstatus。 !注意编译错误以后要退出root再跑编译 drop掉某些列 Rdataframe 请看官方docum...
width: 800px; height: 600px;">import{openFile,draw}from'';letfile=awaitopenFile('');letobj=awaitfile.readObject('hpxpy;1');draw('drawing',obj,'colz');... In node.js import{openFile,makeSVG}from'...
4、,-5,5); root1TH1F *h2=new TH1F(h2,100,-5,5); root2h1-FillRandom(gaus,5000); root3h2-FillRandom(gaus,10000); root4float norm=1000; root5h1-Scale(norm/h1-Integral(); root6h2-Scale(norm/h2-Integral(); root7h1-Draw(e); root8h2-Draw(“esames”) ; 归一化之后,h1或h2-In...
Many options to draw a histogram(seeTHistPainter) h1>Draw( ) h1>Draw(“E”) h1>Draw(“TEXT”) h1>Draw(“L”) 07/17/12 36The TBrowser editor Let'scl ickourwaythrough editing a histogram. . . Time for a demo ...
(Int_t axesType, Bool_t axesDepthTest, Bool_t referenceOn, const Double_t* referencePos); void SetDrawCameraCenter(Bool_t x); diff -Naur '--exclude=.svn' -I '@(#)root' -I '// Author' -I '\$Id' root-old/graf3d/gl/src/TGLCamera.cxx root/graf3d/gl/src/TGLCa...
Failed Info in <TMVA_Higgs_Classification>: Download Higgs_data.root file Info in <TFile::OpenFromCache>: using local cache copy of [./files/Higgs_data.root] *** *Tree :sig_tree : tree * *Entries : 10000 : Total = 1177229 bytes File Siz...
ROOT在数据分析中的应用(3) 默实c1=1,把直方实每实的实个区(BinContent)乘以c1 假实sum=h1->Integral() h1->Scale(c1)之后, h1->Integral()=c1*sum 不加实,参数h1->Scale()有实化没(默实c1=1) 趣实品夜瞑畏实实陀实蓼实彼实实实彷实保实实忘实实实朗桶实回燕实...
ROOT_for_beginners_Day1 ROOT for beginners First Day Discovering the graphical environment
You can then draw @@ -157,4 +157,4 @@ ranges are automatically computed such as all the graphs will be visible. ![A set of graphs grouped in a multigraph.\label{f44}][f44] [^3] [^3]