Presents a speech by a Fitzgerald Fellow of the Heritage Foundation, given before the Center for Constructive Alternatives seminar, concerning the breakdown of the family as the root cause of crime in America. V...
"The major problem is the root causes she identified: political instability, climate and crime," Judd said. "That was the same under President Trump, yet we did not see an explosion in illegal immigration under the Trump administration." The Trump administration saw a spike of its own ...
#15. Distrust of law enforcement Policing in the United States has deep roots in violent racism extending into the present day, which fuels distrust of police within the communities they’re supposed to be serving. According to a report by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, alack...
Today 83% of farmworkers identify as Hispanic or Latinx [13]. The average annual income for a farmworker is less than $20,000 a year and one third of farmworkers had family incomes below the federal poverty line [13]. Upward mobility in agriculture is essentially nonexistent, as federal p...
He said that the verdict was an expression of white fear about African American crime. There is also a shift in opinion that whites are responsible for African American problems resulting from a difference of white reaction to the riots. This shift in opinion is manifested through a change in...
RootCausesofTerrorism Addressingthecausesofaproblemisoftenmoreeffectivethantryingtofightits symptomsandeffects.InRootCausesofTerrorism,ateamofinternationalexperts analysesthepossibilitiesandlimitationsofpreventingandreducingterrorismby addressingthefactorsthatgiverisetoitandsustainit.Thequestionsraisedinclude: • Whatare...
14. to fix by or as if by roots: We were rooted to the spot in amazement. 15. to implant or establish deeply. 16. to pull, tear, or dig up by the roots (often fol. by up or out). 17. to extirpate; remove completely (often fol. by up or out): to root out crime. Idi...
Last year, Foss teamed up with John Legend to lead Prosecutor Integrity, an outfit seeking to bring a new lens to crime and punishment, training prosecutors on unconscious bias and presenting real alternatives to incarceration (especially with juvenile offenders). His brilliant TED talk on what tha...
This dog’s dogs were barking, the result of two consecutive days of her pooch pads pounding on the weathered, rounded rocks omnipresent along the Snake River. “We had a really long day yesterday and have been searching for three hours today,” Wendt said on a Thursda...
Bank of America Memo, Revealed: “We Hope” Conditions for American Workers Will Get Worse Fear of Rampant Crime Is Derailing New York City’s Recovery ‘Dark stores’ offer anything you need in 30 minutes. But there’s a human cost ...