You can feel confident that your root canal procedure won't cause any health problems. In fact, it's more likely that health complications could arise from not treating your damaged tooth. Deep cavities, cracks or fractures in the teeth can let bacteria get into the pulp, resulting in a to...
Price's research to date.Not only are root canals safe and effective, they eliminate bacteria from the infected roots of teeth, improving both your oral health and your overall health. Myth #4: The benefits of root canal therapy are temporary. Root canal results are long-lasting. Why you s...
Oral Health Root Canals Do I Need a root Canal? If you have been experiencing problems with a tooth, you may wonder, "Do I need a root canal?" Root canals, also known as endodontic therapy, are performed when the nerve or pulp of the tooth becomes infected and inflamed due to dental...
By Guest | 1 post,last postover a year ago New ReplyFollowNew Topic Guestover a year ago Hello. I have problem with dental care. My daughter need root canal treatment and in clinic that she has been going she has been told that clinic will not be able to provide the treatment and sh...
If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a root canal specialist promptly. Delaying treatment can worsen the infection and potentially lead to tooth loss or other serious health issues. Understanding the Root Canal Procedure ...
During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp of the tooth are removed and the inside is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and an abscess may form. A tooth's nerve is not vitally important to a tooth's health and function afte...
Decay:Tooth decay that has penetrated the outer layers of the teeth causes root canal pain. Damage:Cracks or chips in teeth can causetooth decayand root canal pain. Disease:Risk factors for infection in the tooth pulp include severe tooth decay, trauma to the tooth, recent dental procedures,...
Evergreen Endodontics offers pain-free root canal therapy in Issaquah. We are dedicated exclusively and strictly to root canals and endodontic care to save your tooth.
There are only a few effective treatment options to address an infected tooth: You can extract (pull) the tooth; you can get a “root canal”—shorthand for what dentists call endodontic (“endo” – inside; “odont” – tooth) treatment; or you can get an apicoectomy, a minor surgical...
If you've had previous dental procedures, especially in hard-to-reach or clean areas, it's essential to pay attention to any discomfort. A root canal treatment may be necessary to prevent complications from arising. Conclusion It is important to be aware of your dental health to avoid major...