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[2s3c0a,2n31i,n25c8re] aosre atrhtieficsioallu rboiolit tyexoufdhatyed mroixctaurrbeos n[2s2a9n] dcaanl tbeer their bioavaamileanbdielidt yto[ 5c4o,n2t5a4m,2in5a5t]e,dm saokilsin tgo ethnehmancme odreesoarvpatiiolanb alendfo prroamfu...
The plantlets pricked with an infected needle showed no development of roots regardless of the strain used. Only the Pinot Noir leaves and stem explants transformed with R. rhizogenes ATCC15834 by immersion in the bacterial suspension or by wounding with an infected scalpel yielded a particularly ...
indica strain. The publication of this article was funded by the Open Access fund of the Leibniz Association. Author Contributions: Dierk Scheel and Nadine Strehmel conceived and designed the experiments; Siska Herklotz and Sylvia Krüger performed the experiments; Nadine Strehmel and Susann Mönch...
4.8. Tensile Strength Analysis Using the acquired stress−strain curve, the mechanical properties of the fibres, such as their tensile strength and percentage of elongation, were determined [56,58]. The fibrils are able to rearrange themselves along the direction of tensile deformation, improving ...
TTowowaradrdssththeebbaassaall rreeggiioonn oofftthheecocolulummnnaracreclel lllaylaeyrearreapreocpkoectkseotfssotefmstceemllsc(eSlCls).(STChe).aTdhipeoacdyitpesoc(Aytce)s (AofcW) oCfRWlaCrvRaelacrovnateaicnoanltaarigneanulamrgbeernoufmoibl ebrodoifeso,iwl bhoicdhieasp,pweahricvherayptrpae...