Ro 8-8427: ORAL PHOTOPROTECTIONInpharma Weekly -doi:10.1007/BF03314263Springer International PublishingInpharma
Aldridge KE,Schio DD,Sanders CV.Comparative in vitro activity of the two new oral cephalospor in metabolites RO 19-5247 and RO 15-8074[J].Eur J Clin microbial,1987,6(5):564-569.Alddctge KE,Schio DD,Sanders CV.Comparative in vitro activity ofthe two new oral cephalosporin metabolites ...
M ARSHALING THE P ROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE OF D OCTORAL S TUDENTS : A C ONTRIBUTION TO THEEbate, P Ractical R Elevance DRowe, FrantzKlein, H.K. & F. Rowe (2008), "Marshaling the Professional Experience of Doctoral Students: A Contribution to the Practical Relevance Debate",...
Taylor, Marygrace
12:买啥?能买啥?对着昂贵的物价买个清醒的自我认知 13:一颗生菜1.0,一根青瓜1.5,一个玉米2.0,一包沙拉酱3.5,两块坐公交回家。做沙拉刚好 14:奶茶,非要去超市买的话那就香飘飘奶茶,我自己加冰块 15:区区十块钱,根本不足以让我有出门的打算好吗 (如有侵权,请联系我们删除)...
工程项目全流程联审“提前介入”做好“店小二”2019-12-06 05:49:19 看看新闻Knews 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败 看看新闻Knews 155.5万粉丝 上海广播电视台视频新闻产品 02:07 从这场展会看国产发动机技术天花板 01:25 事关上海二孩家庭...
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Lindsay Graves DDS, MDAshleigh Weyh DMD, MD, MPH
Eleven patients with moderate to severe Darier's disease were treated with an oral aromatic retinoid, R010 9359 in a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for six weeks. Three patients were clear after six weeks, seven patients showed marked improvement and one patient showed moderate improvement. Pruritus, ...
Quality of lifeoral health‐related quality of lifeoral healthOHIProot caries lesionsdental cariesfluoridated toothpastehigh‐fluoride dentifricesnon‐invasive treatmentelderlyTo explore the ageing stereotypes held by health students and faculty members in three health science schools in Chile. This cross-...