探索 分類:實體、物理室 臺灣正體 Physics Entities 登入以編輯 歷史 討論(0) 分類 分類: 實體 物理室
entities Objects objects Phenomena Tales tales POI's poi-s Groups groups-list Canons canons Featured Art SCP Wiki We owe a lot to the SCP Wiki, so check it out if you have the chance.(link) Backrooms Wiki on Fandom This wiki branched off from another Backrooms Wiki project on Fandom, wh...
Click onApplyand close the dialog box. Примечание:Theinfo_changelevelis a brush entity that will transition the players and theprop_physicsentities inside it to the destination level (given in theNew Map Namefield). Placing an info_landmark entity. Click on theEntity tool and se...
The ones you see pictured are simplyprop_staticentities with the world modelmodels/props_bts/bts_turret.mdl. You can also put fully built, but malfunctioning turrets in the area. Create annpc_portal_turret_floor, and go to the "flags" tab. You can make itout of bullets, or just complet...
bichotll / slimchat Public Notifications Fork 3 Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights bichotll/slimchatmaster 1 branch 0 tags Code Latest commit Git stats 10 commits Files Type Name Latest commit message Commit time chrome-extension just to save ...
Note:The info_changelevel is a brush entity that will transition the players and the prop_physics entities inside it to the destination level (given in the New Map Name field).Placing an info_landmark entity.Click on the Entity Tool and select "info_landmark" from the Objects drop-down ...