In two experimental field studies, the hypothesis was tested that Pavlovian conditioning may modify adults’ liking or dislikingof an odor. In Experiment 1, an odor (CS) was first paired unobtrusively with toilet stimuli (US). Next, Ss rated the experimentaland a control odor on Semantic Differ...
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Generally speaking, you'd be better off with Juicy Stakes if you're a low-stakes poker player. You still have the opportunity to play Texas Hold 'em and Omaha poker as normal; it's just that high rollers may not find action at the high blind levels they prefer. Juicy Stakes integrates...
Richmond Private Rooms - 151 Hoddle Homestay坐落于墨尔本,距离墨尔本板球场有13分钟步行路程,配备共用休息室、免费WiFi和共用厨房。这家家庭式住宿距离公主剧院有1.9公里,距离联邦广场有2.3公里。 这家家庭式住宿配备毛巾和床上用品。 这家家庭式住宿提供单点或欧陆式早餐。 Richmond Private...
在Green Cat Rooms入住期间,您可以步行前往波兰语言文化学校、Planty - Ogród przy Floriance和Planty - Ogród przy Pałacu Sztuki等临近景点,开启愉快假期。 Green Cat Rooms周边有哪些公园? 在Green Cat Rooms入住期间,您可以在清晨或傍晚前往Planty - Ogród przy Floriance、Planty - Ogród pr...
If you'd like to learn even more about the poker formats and promotions present here, feel free to read through our detailedIgnition Poker review. ACR Poker ACR Poker may appear to cater to Americans primarily, but this excellent poker site welcomes Australians as well. At ACR you can get ...
Our object here is simple: to understand a specific room (and by extension any room, any place) as an institution—that is, as a significant and persistent element in the life of a culture, centered on fundamental human needs, activities, and values and occupying an enduring and cardinal po...
See the detailed docs for more usage examples. const Webex = require(`webex`); const webex = Webex.init({ credentials: { access_token: <your webex access token> } }); // Create a room with the title "My First Room" // Add Alice and Bob to the room // Send a **Hi Everyone*...
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